Oliphants.jericho : and the walls came a-tumblin' down Show_cursorstat : shows the cursor position and region id Process_cq : completes all construction pending in queueĬharacter_reset : resets the character back to its start of turn settings Give_trait : gives the character a trait at level (default = level 1) Give_ancillary : gives the character an ancillary Toggle_restrictcam : toggles camera restrictions on or off Toggle_fow : toggles the fog of war on or off
Move_character, : moves named character to position on campaign mapĪuto_win : the attacker or defender wins the next autoresolved battleĬreate_unit : creates one or more units of the specified type Toggle_tow : shows/hides the tabbed output windowĪdd_money : adds an amount of money to a faction's coffers, can be negative, default is player factionĪdd_population : adds an amount of population to a settlement, can be negative
I pulled it from rtw.exe, and had to guess at what was a command and what was not.